Relationships aren’t for the faint of heart; you are required to bare your soul to someone and pray they reciprocate.
You’re expected to compromise a lot (sometimes at your own expense) to ensure that the relationship is kept afloat.
If that’s not enough, you also have to go through the tedious task of making sure that you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve for the wrong person.
Women have it the worst. Society is riddled with swine who pretend to be gentlemen; and because not that many of them exist, we often find ourselves falling victim to deceitful boys who only want to get in your pants.
But don’t fret, there’s a glimmer of hope. Below is a list of the worst types of men you absolutely have to avoid!
The Runner
This is a man who’ll run for the hills at the very mention of "feelings" or emotional attachment. He doesn’t handle "we need to talk" very well. It’s not your fault that he’s not yet mature enough to handle the responsibilities that come with being in a relationship – he’s still a boy, and if he’d rather "kick it" with you then kick his spineless ass to the curb.
The 'Charmer'
This guy right here is a flirt, he can’t help himself. He has several side-chicks under his playboy belt and you’re probably one of them. He’s insecure and probably has to contend with a "small" issue that has nothing to do with you. With him you’ll always be an option, never a priority.
The Stand-Up Guy
If you have no problem getting stood up at the last minute after all the effort you put in to looking and smelling your best, then this guy is a good gamble. He won’t hesitate to send you a Whatsapp message cancelling on you an hour after he was supposed to pick you up for dinner; the common excuse being "Something came up. Sorry". That’s how little he thinks of you.
Mr "I’m the Sh*t"
He’s just not that into you because he’s too preoccupied with being into himself. He’s a narcissist, and he keeps you around for those rare occasions when he needs a brief distraction from how amazing he is.
He’s always talking about himself, and when he isn’t, he never lets you get a word in because what you have to say is insignificant. If you have no qualms with being someone’s protégé, this superficial bastard is your Mr Right.
The Teddy Bear
He’s not called a teddy bear because he’s cute and cuddly, but because he’s a big softie. He’s overly sensitive and dramatic and blows the smallest things out of proportion.
He also doesn’t take sarcasm very well because in his mind, every statement is a personal attack on his character. A thoughtful man who spoils his woman is attractive; however, a man who’s constantly smothering you and is clingy is a turn-off.
The No-Show
He talks a good game, shares his dreams of living lavishly but the only problem is that he STAYS seated on his arse! He’d find a job if he bothered to actually look for one, and it doesn’t help that he has expensive taste which he expects you to maintain. You are only useful to him because of what you’re able to provide for him financially. RUN!
Mommy’s little boy
One of the most pathetic forms of man there is. Being family-oriented is one thing, but this guy takes the notion too far. Here’s the truth ladies, if you’re dating this guy then be prepared to always come second.
He’s the type of man who’ll find any reason to run to his mommy dearest for advice over the pettiest nonsense. She, on the other hand, probably doesn’t even like you because she either feels threatened by you, or thinks that you’re not good enough for her "precious boy".
You can’t compete with that kind of attachment, so why even bother?
The No-Brainer
The married man is a definite no-go! He made a sacred vow to another woman and has a family. Contrary to what you might choose to believe, he will never leave his family for you. You only spite yourself by being with him, unless you're cool with the "side-chick" title.
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