Erections are like buses, you can wait forever for one and then they'll come in a flurry when you least expect it. Unfortunately, this can have disastrous consequences.
Unwanted erections can be quite a hassle, and if not dealt with correctly can lead to serious embarrassment. This makes the art of a control a unruly appendage a very important one to master, especially if you're prone to developing errant erections.
There are a number of techniques developed over the centuries to manage your manhood. These include tucking it into your waistband, hopping into a cold shower or just keeping a tight grip on it through your pocket. Sometimes, however, this just isn't practical and you need a solution that works whatever you're wearing or doing.
Enter Hiders, a new product from Russian company Ali Kaps which aims to solve this problem once and for all. Hiders are specially formulated underwear designed to help mask the signs of erection in a comfortable, passive way. The product's video describes how a special polyurethane pad provides the perfect degree of resistance to comfortably restrain your bulging manhood.
Clever design means the underwear are comfortable both when your penis is flaccid or erect. It doesn't even matter which way your protrusion protrudes, the briefs have channels on both the left and right designed to conceal your enlarged genitalia.
The reasoning behind the product likely stem from Ali Kaps' other product. The company produces natural supplements for treating erectile dysfunction. The pills are only available in Russia and contain a number of root and leaf extracts.
Would you buy a pair, or more, of Hiders?