Fill her nights with passion and drive her wild with the best sex ever!
Find her G-spot: The G-spot is located inside the vagina on the forward wall (towards the navel). When stimulated, the G-spot swells to about the size of a two rand coin and has the puffy consistency of a marshmallow. To find it, insert a finger and curl it towards you, in a kind of ‘come hither’ motion.
Hum during oral sex: Anytime you touch the skin with something vibrating, you transmit sensation to a wider area than you would through simple stroking. So relax your lips (think Mick Jagger) and hum (maybe ‘Brown Sugar’) as you bring the outermost portion of your kisser in contact with her vaginal lips.
Lick, then blow: By licking her nipples, private parts and neck, then blowing on the wet patches you’ve created, you can generate a sexy tingle that’ll drive your woman wild. To make her head spin even more, use alcohol. It evaporates more quickly than water or saliva, producing a greater cooling effect.
Hide the honey: You’re blindfolded; she hides a dab of honey somewhere on her body. You try to find it – using only your tongue.
Lose the tie: A necktie is the one article of men’s clothing that women love most. The way the silk feels against her skin, the way it smells after being tied around your neck all day. Mmm. So take it off and rub it against her skin, or, even better, use it to cover her eyes. She won’t be able to anticipate where or when your next kiss or touch is coming, so every touch will feel more intense.
Turn on a black light: An ultraviolet light positioned near the bed really helps start things cooking. It gives naked bodies a sexy-looking tan without either of you having to destroy your skin by baking in the sun. They’re available from disco repair and supply shops for around R300 for the fitting and tube.
Play the alphabet game: Make capital letters with your tongue very slowly on her clitoris. See if you can make it to M.
Shower her with flowers: Put flower petals on top of the blades of a ceiling fan. Turn it on when she lies down.
Suck on this: Pop a mint in your mouth before you give oral sex – it’ll be more pleasurable for her. The peppermint oil in some mints can cause mild irritation that brings a flushed, warm sensation to the skin. Then maybe she can try it for you.
Drive her wild: Take a drive somewhere secluded where you can get a bit risqué. Try somewhere public, but not too public, with a great view and have a hot shagging session in the car.
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